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Why and How to Disable XML-RPC in WordPress

XML-RPC is a feature in WordPress that allows remote access to the WordPress site through the use of external clients such as the WordPress mobile app or Jetpack. While this feature can be useful in some cases, it also poses a security risk. In this post, we’ll discuss why you may want to disable XML-RPC and how to do it using a simple code snippet.

One of the main reasons to disable XML-RPC is for security. XML-RPC is often targeted by hackers and can be used to launch a brute force attack on a WordPress site. By disabling XML-RPC, you are closing off this potential vulnerability.

Another reason to disable XML-RPC is to improve website performance. XML-RPC calls can slow down a website, especially if there are many of them. Disabling XML-RPC can help to speed up your website.

To disable XML-RPC in WordPress, you can add the following code snippet to your functions.php file:

This code snippet uses the xmlrpc_enabled filter to return false, effectively disabling the XML-RPC feature.

Be aware that disabling XML-RPC may affect some plugins that rely on it, such as Jetpack and the WordPress mobile app. In case you are using these, you need to disable only specific methods or try other methods to secure your website.

In conclusion, disabling XML-RPC in WordPress can be a simple but effective way to improve security and performance on your website. However, it is important to weigh the potential consequences before disabling it on your live website.

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